Config: Top |
User: webanon |
ackonup: yes
autoack: no
frequency: 150
gravity: up
header: <STYLE>TD,H1,H2,H3 {font-family:verdana; font-size:12}</STYLE><H2>YoHost Server Status</H2>
icon: /img/smile.gif
icon_down: /img/sad.gif
javascript: /argus.js
mail_from: support@yohost.com
message_fmt: %m
nospkr_icon: /img/nospkr.gif
notify: mailBrett:bcc@yohost.com myLogAIM:brett650,laith650
renotify: 3600
retries: 5
retrydelay: 30
siren: no
sirensong: /sound/whoopwhoop.wav
style_sheet: /argus.css
syslog: daemon
Resolv {
frequency: 2
Method "mailBrett" {
command: sendmail -t -f %F
send: To: %R\nFrom: %F\nSubject: %T{%I:%M%p} %S %O\n\n%S %O\n%T{%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p} %Z\n%E\nMessage: %M\nNotification ID: %I\nValue: %v\n
Method "mailBrettOld" {
command: sendmail -t
send: To: %R\nFrom: %F\nSubject: %T{%I:%M%p} %M\n\n%M\n%T{%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p} %Z\n
Method "mailSMS" {
command: sendmail -t
send: To: %R\nFrom: %F\nSubject: %M\n\n%T{%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p}\n%E\n
Method "mailTony" {
command: sendmail -t
send: To: %R\nCc: support@yohost.com\nFrom: %F\nSubject: %M since %T{%I:%M%p}\n\nHi Tony,\n\nThis is an automated message from my monitoring system.\n\nSince %T{%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p} %Z the following service is %S:\n%O\n\nFor the current status please see http://status.yohost.com .\nIf you click on the server or service name, it will show\nmore details about what is being monitored.\n\nI have configured this system to contact you if any service \nis down for an extended period of time, which normally means \nthat I am unavailable or I have not been able to correct the\nproblem. I would appreciate it if you can take a look, \nrestart services, and/or reboot my server if necessary.\nYou can also try calling me at 1-877-296-4678.\n\nThank you,\n\nBrett\n\nIncident Number %I\n%E
Method "mailTonyOld" {
command: sendmail -t
send: To: brett@dolphyn.com\nCc: bcc@yohost.com\nFrom: %F\nSubject: %M at %T{%I:%M%p}\n\n%M\n%T{%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p} %Z\n
Method "myLogAIM" {
command: /var/brett/notify.pl %R
send: %S %O %E
Host "Linux:River" {
Service UDP/Domain {
label: DNS
test: authok
uname: DNS
zone: yohost.com
Service TCP/FTP {
label: FTP
uname: FTP
Service TCP/HTTP {
label: HTTP
uname: HTTP
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
info: Monitors POP3 service (port 110 and SSL 995)
label: POP3
uname: POP3
url: https://status.yohost.com/tests/river-pop3.pl
Service TCP/SMTP {
info: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
label: SMTP
uname: SMTP
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
info: Exim Mail Queue
label: spoolcount
uname: spoolcount
url: https://yohost.com/spoolcount.html
Host "Windows:Webs" {
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
info: Monitors a ColdFusion page that uses Access database
label: CF-Access
uname: CF-Access
url: http://webs23.win-dns.com/TestAccess.cfm
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
info: Monitors a ColdFusion page that uses MySQL 5 database (CF driver)
label: CF-MySQL5
uname: CF-MySQL5
url: http://webs23.win-dns.com/TestMySQL5.cfm
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
info: Monitors a ColdFusion page that uses MySQL 5 database (JDBC driver)
label: CF-MySQL5JDBC
uname: CF-MySQL5JDBC
url: http://webs23.win-dns.com/TestMySQL5JDBC.cfm
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
frequency: 300
info: Monitors a ColdFusion page that uses CFDocument tag
label: CF-PDF
uname: CF-PDF
url: http://webs23.win-dns.com/TestCFDocument.cfm
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
info: Monitors a ColdFusion page that uses MySQL 5 database (CF driver)
label: CF-SQL2022
uname: CF-SQL2022
url: http://webs23.win-dns.com/TestMySQL5.cfm
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
info: Monitors a basic ColdFusion page
label: CF2023
uname: CF2023
url: http://webs23.win-dns.com/TestCF.cfm
Service TCP/HTTP {
label: HTTP
uname: HTTP
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
frequency: 300
info: Monitors SMTP service via PHP
label: SMTP
uname: SMTP
url: http://webs23.win-dns.com/TestSMTP.php
Group "Windows:Services" {
Service TCP/URL {
expect: Success
info: Monitors a ColdFusion page on CSG
label: CSG
uname: CSG
url: http://csghost.win-dns.com/testCF.cfm
Service UDP/Domain {
label: DNS
uname: DNS
zone: win-dns.com
Service TCP/FTP {
label: FTP
uname: FTP
Host "SmarterMail" {
Service TCP/POP {
info: Used for retreiving email
label: POP3
uname: POP3
Service TCP/SMTP {
info: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
label: SMTP
uname: SMTP
Service TCP/URL {
expect: SmarterMail
label: WebMail
uname: WebMail
url: http://mail.win-dns.com/interface/root